英文題名 | On the Academic Achievements of Acupuncture-Moxibustion in the Tang Dynasty
個人著者 | 高希言
團體著者 | |
第一著者單位 | 河南 鄭州市金水路1號河南中醫(yī)學院 450008
第一著者地址 | 河南
出處 | 河南中醫(yī)學院學報.-2003,18(6) 58-60
中文文摘 | 唐朝時期經(jīng)濟文化事業(yè)的繁榮,給針灸醫(yī)學發(fā)展帶來了契機。如官方的針灸醫(yī)學教育,地方性的醫(yī)學校以及民間傳授帶徒等;唐代的針灸專著在《舊唐書》、《唐書》中收載十二種、三十九卷之多;由于針灸流派多,各抒己見。唐政府組織名醫(yī)對針灸穴位考訂和校定圖書,這項工作前無古人。名醫(yī)名家的大量涌現(xiàn),對針灸理論的發(fā)揮,對經(jīng)外奇穴的大量發(fā)現(xiàn),艾灸方法的擴展使用,使針灸醫(yī)學在臨床各科的應用更加廣泛,為針灸臨床學積累了經(jīng)驗,并為后世針灸醫(yī)學的發(fā)展奠定了基礎。
英文文摘 | Economic and cultural prosperity in the Tang dynasty brought many an opportunity for the development of acupuncture-moxibustion. This could be seen in officially run education, local medical schools, and civil disciples. Special works on acupuncture-moxibustion amounted to twelve kinds and thirty-nine volumes recorded in JIU TANG SHU, and TANG SHU. There were many schools of acupuncture, each airing their own views. The government arranged for well-known physicians to verify acupoints and proofread books, which was unprecedented. The emergence of well-known doctors and physicians has led to the development of acupuncture theories and the springing up of extra-meridian points. The extended use of moxa made it possible for acupuncture to be used in various departments of medicine. This has accumulated much experience for acupuncture practices, and laid foundation for the later development of acupuncture.
文獻類型 | 評價研究 (PT);歷史文獻(PT);中文摘要;英文摘要
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主題詞 | 針灸學/歷史;針灸學/教育;專著(PT);?
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醫(yī)學史 | 醫(yī)學史,唐朝(618-907 A.D);醫(yī)學史,中世紀(公元500-1450)
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關鍵詞 | 唐代;針灸學;針灸經(jīng)外奇穴;艾灸法
分類號 | R245; R2
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