【摘要】 目的 建立鹽炙胡蘆巴的指紋圖譜測定方法,并對4個產地10批胡蘆巴的生品和鹽炙品進行對比實驗,為胡蘆巴飲片的質量控制提供可靠的方法。方法 采用HPLC法,色譜條件為:DiamonsilC18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)柱;流動相:乙腈水梯度洗脫;檢測波長:211 nm;流速:1.0 ml/min;柱溫:35 ℃;進樣量:20 μl。結果 在相應的色譜條件下,胡蘆巴生品和鹽炙品的指紋圖譜比較:鹽炙品較生品少5個共有峰。結論 胡蘆巴鹽炙前后化學成分的種類或含量變化較大。
【關鍵詞】 胡蘆巴; 鹽炙; 指紋圖譜
Comparison of fingerprints of semen trigonellae before and after stirheated with salt solutionLI Jinlian,HU Changjiang(Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu 610075,China)【Abstract】 Objective To establish a HPLC method for determination of fingerprints of semen trigonellae stirheated with salt solution,and to provide a reliable method for the quality control of this crude drug. Methods The separation was performed at a Rp C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)column using acetonitrile and water as the mobile phase. The detection wavelength was 211 nm. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitilewater at the flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The temperature of column was 35 ℃. The injection volume was 20 μl. Results At the same condition,fingerprints of semen trigonellae stirheated with salt solution was 5 common peaks less than those without salt solution. Conclusion The type or content of semen trigonellae appears to change greatly before and after stirheated salt solution.【Key words】 semen trigonellae; stirheated with salt solution; fingerprints醫(yī).學.全.在.線m.quanxiangyun.cn
胡蘆巴為豆科一年生草本植物胡蘆巴Trigonella foenumgraecum L.的干燥成熟種子[1]。主要分布于地中海東岸、中東、伊朗高原及喜瑪拉雅地區(qū)。在我國南北各地均有栽培,在西南、西北呈半野生狀態(tài),主產于河南商丘、甘肅天水、四川廣元、金堂及安徽亳州,分布于東北、西南及河北、陜西、甘肅、新疆、山東、江蘇、安徽、浙江、河南、湖北、廣西等地!吨袊幍洹2005年版一部收載了生品和鹽炙品:生品具有溫助腎陽,祛寒,止痛的功效,用于腎陽不足,寒邪凝滯下焦的小腸疝氣疼痛、腹脅脹滿、腰痛、腳氣疼痛及下元虛冷的陽痿、遺精、尿頻等病證;鹽胡蘆巴可引藥入腎,溫補腎陽力專,常用于疝氣疼痛,腎虛腰痛,陽痿遺精等癥[24]。本研究主要對胡蘆巴鹽炙前后指紋圖譜進行對比實驗,以期為下一步的質量標準研究打下基礎。
1 儀器與試劑
Varian prostar210(分析型)高效液相色譜儀(美國瓦里安);DiamonsilC18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)柱(北京迪馬科技);KUUDOS SK250HP型超聲波清洗器(上?茖С晝x器有限公司);BP211D AG電子天平(德國Sartorius);正德牌遠紅外可控溫電爐(功率45~2 000 W);紅外測溫儀(smart儀器有限公司),炒鍋,SH/T0093沙芯過濾裝置(建湖縣長城儀器制造有限公司)等。