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polar record

polar record
影響因子: 0.981
I S S N: 0032-2474
出 版 社: Cambridge University Press
出 版 地: NEW YORK,
出版國家: USA,
刊  期: 季刊
創(chuàng)刊時間: 1931
語  種: 英文
審稿周期: >36周,或約稿
中科院分區(qū): 4
投稿命中率: 容易
國外數據庫收錄: IM
5年影響因子: 0.846
研究領域: 生物科學、生態(tài)學
官方鏈接: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJourna...
投稿須知: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJourna...


Published for the Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge Polar Record is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly on behalf of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Polar Record publishes results from a wide variety of areas of polar research: original primary research papers in the humanities social sciences physical sciences life sciences and polar technology are included as are papers concerning current political economic legal and environmental issues in the Arctic or Antarctic. Notes book reviews letters to the editor obituaries and "In Brief" items of general interest are also published. Polar Record provides rapid publication normally within nine months of the initial submission.Published for the Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge Polar Record is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly on behalf of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Polar Record publishes results from a wide variety of areas of polar research: original primary research papers in the humanities social sciences physical sciences life sciences and polar technology are included as are papers concerning current political economic legal and environmental issues in the Arctic or Antarctic. Notes book reviews letters to the editor obituaries and "In Brief" items of general interest are also published. Polar Record provides rapid publication normally within nine months of the initial submission.for the Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge Polar Record is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly on behalf of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Polar Record publishes results from a wide variety of areas of polar research: original primary research papers in the humanities social sciences physical sciences life sciences and polar technology are included as are papers concerning current political economic legal and environmental issues in the Arctic or Antarctic. Notes book reviews letters to the editor obituaries and "In Brief" items of general interest are also published. Polar Record provides rapid publication normally within nine months of the initial submission.for the Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge Polar Record is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly on behalf of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Polar Record publishes results from a wide variety of areas of polar research: original primary research papers in the humanities social sciences physical sciences life sciences and polar technology are included as are papers concerning current political economic legal and environmental issues in the Arctic or Antarctic. Notes book reviews letters to the editor obituaries and "In Brief" items of general interest are also published. Polar Record provides rapid publication normally within nine months of the initial submission.Published for the Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge Polar Record is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly on behalf of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Polar Record publishes results from a wide variety of areas of polar research: original primary research papers in the humanities social sciences physical sciences life sciences and polar technology are included as are papers concerning current political economic legal and environmental issues in the Arctic or Antarctic. Notes book reviews letters to the editor obituaries and "In Brief" items of general interest are also published. Polar Record provides rapid publication normally within nine months of the initial submission.
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