1. Invasion by the Exogenous Pathogenic Factors (外感咳嗽)
:: 風寒 Wind-Cold ::
Main Manifestations
Cough, itching of the throat, thin and white sputum, aversion to cold, fever, anhidrosis, headache, stuffy and running nose, thin, white tongue coating and superficial pulse.
:: 風熱 Wind-Heat ::
Main Manifestations
Cough with yellow and thick sputum, choking cough, thirst, sore throat, reverb, or headache, aversion to wind, sweating, thin, yellow tongue coating floating and rapid pulse.
Treatment Points mainly from the Lung Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian are selected. Both acupuncture and moxibustion are applied in case of wind cold. While only acupuncture is used in case of wind heat to activate the dispersing function of the lung and to relieve the symptoms.
處方 列缺 合谷 肺俞 |
Prescription Lieque(LU7), Hegu(LI4), Feishu(BL13) |
2. Internal Injury (內傷咳嗽)
:: 痰濁阻肺 Blockage of the Lung by Phlegm ::
Main Manifestations Cough with profuse, white and sticky sputum, stuffiness and chest congestion, loss of appetite, white, sticky tongue coating and rolling pulse.
治法 取背俞和足陽明經(jīng)穴為主。針刺補瀉兼施,開可加灸,以健脾化痰。
Treatment The Back-Shu point and the points of the Stomach Meridian are selected as the principal points. Both reinforcing and reducing manipulations should be considered in acupuncture treatment, or combined with moxibustion to strengthen the function of the spleen and to resolve phlegm.
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處方 肺俞 脾俞 中脘 足三里 尺澤 豐隆
Prescription Feishu(BL 13), Pishu(BL 20), Zhongwan(CV 12), Zusanli(ST 36), Chize (LU 5), Fenglong(ST40) |
主癥 干咳無痰,或痰少不易咳出,鼻燥咽干或咽痛,或痰中有血絲,甚則咳血,潮熱,顴紅,舌紅苔薄,脈象細數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Dry Cough without sputum or with scanty sputum, dryness of the nose and throat, sore throat, spotting blood or even coughing blood, afternoon fever, malar flush, red tongue, thin coating, thread and rapid pulse.醫(yī)學全在線www.med126.com
治法 取肺之俞,募穴為主。針刺平補瀉法,以益陰潤燥,清肅肺氣。
Treatment The Back-Shun point and the Front-Mu point of Lung Meridian are selected as the principal points. Even reinforcing and reducing is applied in acupuncture treatment to nourish Yin, eliminate dryness and descend lung-Qi.
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處方 肺俞 中府 列缺 照海
Prescription Feishu(BL13), Zhongfu(LU1), Lieque(LU7), Zhaohai(KI 6) |